Title: “The Chic-ing of Hillcrest” Radio Program: KPBS-FM, Public Radio, “Metropolitan Journal”. Air date: May 19, 1991.
Audio & Video Title: “Problem-Oriented Policing” Radio Program: KPBS-FM, Public Radio, “Metropolitan Journal”. Air date: January 4, 1991.
Title: “The Persian Gulf Crisis” Radio Program: KPBS-FM, Public Radio, “Metropolitan Journal”. Air date: September 22, 1990. Subject: Interview with National Public Radio Correspondent, Daniel Schorr. Title: “Habitat for Humanity: Tijuana” Radio Program: KPBS-FM, Public Radio, “Morning Edition”. Air date: June 29, 1990. Subject: Documentary with President Jimmy Carter.
Title: “San Diego Airport: A View from the Cockpit” Radio Program: KPBS-FM, Public Radio, “San Diego On Air”, and “Morning Edition”. Air date: October 14, 1989. Re-aired, January 13, 1990…
The Otay Ranch Workshop was produced by a development corporation as part of its negotiations to build a large new town is southern San Diego County, California. I was one… Title: “The Devil in Florence” Radio Program: KPBS-FM, Public Radio, “San Diego On Air”, and “Morning Edition”. Air date: November 6, 1987
“The Murder” is my first and, understandably, last dramatic role. It is a digital version of an 8mm film made sometime in 1963 by my then roomate, George J. Lappan, for his…